Green with a Hint of Violet!
We've been patiently waiting all year for this moment- when our vibrant green olives begin to display a hint of violet color. This subtle change signals that the olives have reached their peak in both freshness and in flavor. This is the precise time that we know they are ready to be transformed into exceptionally fresh, award-winning, TRULY® Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Right now, we are in the heart of the Fall season and working 24/7 to harvest these beautiful olives. We only have a short four to six week window between October and November, when the olives perfectly meet our strict freshness standards. Once our fruit is gently harvested, we transport it to our state-of-the-art mill and cold-extract the oil within hours.
Most other olive oils are made with overripe fruit that has been knocked to the ground. But at Corto, our commitment to hard work and perfection means that we only harvest our olives at the peak of their freshness and flavor: green with a hint of violet.
Until next season, Ciao!