This past Spring was an unprecedented period of time that none of us could have anticipated or want to repeat. We welcome the change of season from Spring to Summer, and the potential for recovery and re-growth.
Here in our California olive groves, the olive trees are always a source of inspiration, especially now. Summer is an important time of growth in the life cycle of the olive tree itself, and a critically significant phase in the development of the olive fruit in particular. Basking in the glorious summer sun, each new shoot stretches towards the rays of sunshine and gives rise to new growth. More importantly, our crop of olive fruit has been successfully “set” on the mature shoots, and is now growing and developing its precious oil.
As we examine these still developing olives in our hands, we are reminded of what’s to come: a bountiful Fall crop of olives that have reached their peak of flavor. We will then, and only then, harvest and mill them into exceptionally fresh TRULY® Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
The coming months fill us with hope and optimism – not just for our resilient olive trees, but also for the equally resilient independent chefs and restaurateurs that we are honored to serve.
Until next season, Ciao!